
COC.JS Nuxt-iView

What is COC.JS Nuxt-iView

VUE assistant based on COC core engine and designed to work with (Nuxt, iView) environment

Getting Started

The next few lines will guide you to install the system inviroment to your machine, but first you need to know what does it need


What things you need to install the software and how to install them


You can install VUE and VUE CLI using the following commands

npm install -g @vue/cli

Install Nuxt

npm install --save nuxt

Installing The Dependencies

After cloning the repo you just need to install node_modules , from the root directory of project just run

npm install

then you only need to run nuxt dev script for development npm run dev from your terminal or just build it to disable VUE hot reload using npm run build or nuxt build


Make sure to include your repository, package info in package.json file. You will also need to make sure to define env entity in nuxt.config.js if not exist.

UI Design Concepts

COC is using different components from many UI libraries to cover most of the UI developers needs. External resources

Resources By COC